Caspi Bitum exports for first time

Caspi Bitum exports for first time


26 January 2017

«JV CASPIBITUM” LLP exported from «Nafta Alliance» LLP the first batch of bitumen in the amount of 650 tons to Samarkand, Uzbekistan. This factory product for its technical characteristics is suitable for all road and climatic zones.

It should be noted, Aktau bitumen plant is a joint venture of «KMG-processing and marketing» JSC (subsidiary of «NC» KazMunayGas» JSC) and “CITIC Kazakhstan” LLP. It was built in the framework of the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development in 2013 to cover the needs of the road sector in high-quality road bitumen. The design capacity of the plant is one million tons of processed crude oil per year. In 2016 the plant processed 623.5 tons of oil, produced 110.9  tons of bitumen.