KPI of «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» JSC discussed at extended meeting in Astana

KPI of «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» JSC discussed at extended meeting in Astana


17 March 2015

The list of strategic  KPI of «KTZ» JSC have been discussed during the extended meeting with participation of CEO of «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC U.Shukeyev, president of «KTZ»NC JSC A. Mamin.  

The heads of structural divisions of the company and consultants of the Boston Consulting Group participated in the discussion of efficiency, which is the basis of the performance management of the company in business transformation. 

Participants discussed approaches to the efficiency formation and a number of proposed key performance indicators, which are aimed at reducing the operating costs of «NC» KTZ », increasing customer satisfaction (passengers, shippers and freight forwarders) and the level of traffic safety.

The new performance management system based on efficiency will allow the company to focus on achieving common goals and maximizing the efficiency of production and management processes.

“One of the key elements of business transformation - is the transition to performance management through KPI system. After discussion of the list of strategic level indicators for the top management, we will define performance indicators at all levels, which will bring good performance of the company,” the president of JSC «NC» KTZ «Askar Mamin told. 

KPI of each employee will be formed based on the strategy of the company, and the motivation will depend on the progress of personal results and the results of JSC «NC» KTZ» in general. 

According to the Development Strategy of JSC «NC» KTZ » until 2020, the company has to» become a high national transport corporation of Kazakhstan, meeting  the best international business practices and the requirements of the Sole Shareholder. » The transition to the new system will mean efficiency of the company: for customers - quality service and timely delivery of services; for JSC «NC» KTZ »-  increase of the manageability and efficiency of operations; for shareholders («Samruk-Kazyna») - the largest increase in the value of assets of the subsidiary; for the state – support of  economic development by producing high-quality, timely and safe transportation and logistics services.