Within the Official Visit to Kazakhstan, Mr. Gilbert Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labor Organization, to Visit Tau-Ken Altyn Refinery Today

Within the Official Visit to Kazakhstan, Mr. Gilbert Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labor Organization, to Visit Tau-Ken Altyn Refinery Today


05 September 2024

Mr. Gilbert Houngbo inspected the operating departments of the refinery, talked with employees and management of the enterprise.

Askar Tleulin, Director of the refinery, told the Head of the ILO about the efforts made in Tau-Ken Altyn LLP to ensure the protection of workers' rights, occupational health and safety, measures of social protection of workers, as well as plans for the future, in particular, on the ESG agenda.

And today Tau-Ken Altyn plant and PARYZ NCE signed a memorandum of cooperation, which provides for interaction in the part of labor, social and related economic issues.