Equality for all

We ensure equal working conditions for all employees, eliminating any form of harassment or discrimination in the workplace, as well as ensuring fair and transparent recruitment processes and career advancement. To increase the transparency of the selection and recruitment procedures for the Fund and portfolio companies, a single online recruiting platform has been operating since 2019 Samruk Qyzmet (, uniting 493 companies of the Fund Group. Since 2022, all vacancies are published in open access
in the tg- channel @samrukazynaofficial.

The number of applicants on the unified recruitment portal in 2022 increased by 60 % (from 84 486 to 136 489 applicants) which indicates a high interest in working in the Fund’s companies. For the entire period (since 2019), more than 27 600 vacancies have been published (for 2022 – 17 354). The number of vacancies closed by external candidates through in 2022 – 7 221 (1 794 in 2021).

We adhere to the policy of equality for all and support for people with disabilities, in 2022 the Fund is an employer for 2 860 people with disabilities, while the largest number of them live in the Mangystau region (482 people). There are no gender restrictions in the Fund, for example, there was a 16.7 % increase in men who went on maternity and paternity leave in 2022 compared to 2021 (for more details, see Annex 9).

We have no differences in the base salary and in the remuneration system depending on gender differences GRI 405-2, and there is also no discrimination of employees on gender, age, national, religious or other grounds. GRI 2-24, GRI 406-1

The Fund promotes Kazakhstani personnel to senior positions, therefore 10 foreign employees among the administrative and managerial staff were replaced by Kazakhstani citizens. The number of foreigners on the Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards was also reduced from 23 to 14 (40 %). GRI 202-2 The Fund actively attracts members of the Presidential Youth Talent Pool to leadership positions. Three of the five managing directors of the Fund are young graduates of the Presidential Youth Personnel Pool.

The requirements for the management staff have been strengthened. Now all candidates for the posts of first managers, managing directors and heads of divisions of the Fund’s companies are checked by compliance officers to prevent affiliation and corruption. Polygraph tests, also known as lie detector tests, are used as a tool to check potential candidates for positions associated with high corruption risks, namely for senior positions in the field of procurement. GRI 205-1 During the reporting period, 133 candidates in 52 companies passed such a test, while 27 people failed the test and were not hired.