The government of Kazakhstan approved the final list of the privatized group's companies «Samruk-Kazyna»

The government of Kazakhstan approved the final list of the privatized group's companies «Samruk-Kazyna»


29 April 2014

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan at meeting approved on 29 April, 2014 the list of the companies of «Samruk-Kazyna» Group which will be implemented in a competitive environment within the Privatization program. «The government of Kazakhstan and JSC «Samruk-Kazyna» for the last some months analysed all 599 companies entering into structure of Fund, and determined the companies which can be reported to a private sector. Today the list of the privatized companies of Fund was finally approved by the Government. The most part of the companies will be in parts or in full sold in 2014», - the Finance director – the Board member of JSC «Samruk-Kazyna» Nurlan Rakhmetov reported.

To private sector, according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, various shares in 106 companies of JSC «Samruk-Kazyna» will be sold.

In 2014-2016 to the market is planned to offer various share blocks and shares of ownership in 94 affiliated organizations of «Samruk-Kazyna» Group. So, 28 companies in JSC NC Kazakhstan «TemirZholy» structure, 23 – as a part of JSC NC  «KazMunaiGas», 21 JSC Kazakhstan engineering, 10 - JSC «Samruk-Energy», 7 - JSC NAC «KazAtomProm», 2 - JSC «KEGOC» are subject to complete or partial privatization. Besides, sale of shares in JSC «Maykainzoloto», JSC KAZNIIE by Sh.Ch.Chokin, and also in FN management LLP (as a part of JSC Samruk-Kazyna Real Estate Fund) is planned. Thus within IPO and SPO (secondary placement of securities) sale in 2014 of 10% minus 1 shares of JSC KEGOC and 24% plus 1 shares of JSC Mangistausky Distribution Electric Grid Company, in 2015 – 20-25% of shares of JSC «Samruk-Energy», in 2016 - 10% minus 1 shares of JSC NC Kazakhstan «TemirZholy» and JSC NAC «KazAtomProm» is planned. After 2016 complete or partial sale of shares in 8 companies as a part of JSC NC «Kazakhstan TemirZholy» and 4 subsidiary companies of JSC NC «KazMunaiGas» is planned.

«Work on privatization of assets will take place is most transparent, and we on a fixed basis intend to publish data on a course of implementation of the assets in a private sector», - N. Rakhmetov noted.

It is known that the Government together with JSC «Samruk-Kazyna» developed the Privatization program for 2014-2016 within execution of the corresponding order of the Head of state. Implementation of this program is urged to reduce participation of the state in national economy and to strengthen its bases at the expense of increase in a share of a private sector in it.