03 December 2020
Savings based on the results of purchases made by the group of companies of SWF Samruk-Kazyna JSC in 2020 amounted to KZT 129 billion. In total, the amount of savings received has amounted to more than KZT 400 billion since 2018. This was stated during an online briefing by Alisher Pirmetov, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Fund.
According to A.Pirmetov, the positive dynamics became possible due to the expansion of competition in purchases and the maximum reduction in purchases from one source.
“The practice of the past years has shown that creating a sufficient competitive environment increases the share of savings. On average, it is 4-5 times more than in purchases from one source”,- said Alisher Pirmetov.
A. Pirmetov presented the results of new approaches to organizing procurement activities. He noted that the stable functioning of the group of companies depended on the provision of a correctly built procurement system. In this regard, the Fund took measures to centralize them.
Thus, the first pilot projects this year have already been implemented and have shown their effectiveness. In particular, organizational structures have been optimized, management levels have been reduced, the costs of procurement and maintenance functions have been reduced to 22%, and the share of savings based on the results of purchases has increased to 23%.
This year, the Fund also continued to work on the further development of category purchases. Within the framework of this type of purchases A. Pirmetov said that the Fund managed to completely exclude the supply of imported products. Moreover, due to the consolidation and development of uniform requirements for the supplied products, significant savings have been made.
For example, according to the category strategy “Special footwear”, imports are excluded and 100% are purchased from 16 OTPs. The purchase volume is KZT 4.5 billion. Earlier the funds "went" to Russia and China, stressed A. Pirmetov. At the same time, the range of purchase prices has been reduced by more than 10 times, which made it possible to receive more than 1 billion tenge of benefits. Also, it should be noted that the strategy provides for a requirement for manufacturers to use Kazakhstani raw materials in the production of footwear.
Alisher Pirmetov also recalled the stimulation of import substitution within the frame of the "off-take contract" mechanism. According to him, the implementation of these projects will allow creating new production facilities in Kazakhstan that have no analogues. At the same time, this approach makes it possible to intensify domestic investment activities and create new jobs.
At the moment, 43 projects have been approved within the framework of the import substitution program, 71 offtake contracts have already been concluded for the amount of 25.5 billion tenge. Additionally, it is planned to conclude another 21 offtake contracts for the amount of 7.7 billion tenge. Enterprises that received support in the form of guaranteed off-take agreements last year alone paid 16.5 billion tenge in taxes.
“The mechanism of ‘off take agreements’ has proved to be a fairly effective tool for supporting domestic entrepreneurs. If earlier the funds of the companies "went" abroad, now they work for the Kazakh economy. This is important. New technologies and competences are being mastered, new jobs are being created and taxes are paid to the budget”,- A. Pirmetov noted.
In turn, within the framework of optimizing intercompany purchases from 2017 to 2020, 4,000 positions were transferred to the competitive environment, currently there are 213 positions in this list. The measures taken allowed 23 thousand business entities to get direct access to the Fund's purchases in the amount of 1 trillion tenge during this period. At the same time, due to the created competitive environment, the Fund's companies received savings in the amount of KZT 70 billion.
The Fund has also implemented targeted measures to support entrepreneurs. So, given the insufficient availability of working capital, the Fund's commodity producers were provided with an unconditional priority and a mandatory advance payment of at least 30%, a requirement was introduced to pay for delivered goods no later than 5 working days, and when developing project documentation, a requirement was established for the mandatory use of Kazakh products.
The efficiency and timeliness of the measures taken are confirmed by the achieved indicators - the share of local content in purchases in six sectors of the Economy of Simple Things program in comparison with 2019 increased from 30% to 69% this year, the share of purchases from OTPs increased from 39% in 2019 up to 83% in 2020.
For 11 months of this year, the volume of purchases amounted to KZT 2.9 trillion, of which 90% or KZT 2.6 trillion was placed among domestic entrepreneurs.
Let us remind you that 2020 was declared by the Samruk-Kazyna Fund as the year of entrepreneurship support.
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