The Samruk-Kazyna Fund to Have Launches Official Website on Privatization and IPO

The Samruk-Kazyna Fund to Have Launches Official Website on Privatization and IPO


15 September 2022

In order to widely inform the population, as well as to prevent the dissemination of deliberately false information used for fraudulent purposes, the Samruk-Kazyna Fund has launched a specialized Internet resource of the privatization and IPO program – IPO.SK.KZ.

The website offers official and up-to-date information about the Samruk-Kazyna Fund program in three languages, navigation consists of the latest news of the program, answers to frequently asked questions and information about the mechanisms of protection against Internet fraud using the Samruk-Kazyna brand and its portfolio companies. 

The platform contains complete information about privatized assets, step-by-step instructions for participation in IPO and privatization, educational content on the basics of securities financing and the mechanisms of the stock market, as well as the IPO history of large assets.  It should be noted that this resource will be useful for both institutional and retail investors. 

Our goal is - affordable IPO for every citizen of Kazakhstan.