Kazakhtelecom in conjunction with QazCloud and Cisco Systems to provide businesses with free access to a special service for the quarantine period

Kazakhtelecom in conjunction with QazCloud and Cisco Systems to provide businesses with free access to a special service for the quarantine period


22 April 2020

Subsidiary Kazakhtelecom and JSC SWF Samruk Kazyna QazCloud jointly with Cisco Systems have opened free access to the universal conference platform Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) to support companies that are forced to switch to a remote format of work in connection with the announcement of the emergency state in the country.


The Cisco Meeting Server is a webinar, web conferencing platform with a wide range of capabilities for multilateral information exchange. The solution is deployed in Kazakhstan on the basis of the largest data center in the country, Kazakhtelecom JSC, and meets all the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on ensuring information security. An access to this platform will allow companies of Kazakhstan to provide their employees with a number of convenient and practical tools for working with documents, presentations, organizing video chats, messaging, record web-sessions for further viewing in a protected cyber environment.


‘Our customers, partners and employees are our top priority. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation in the country, many companies have decided to transfer their employees to a remote form of work. In order for our partners to switch to remote work with the least loss in the level of communication between employees, we decided to introduce free use of the Cisco Meeting Server product, ‘said QazCloud CEO Kasym Yesergepov.


‘The joint cooperation of the largest telecommunications operator Kazakhtelecom JSC, QazCloud service provider and technology leader in Cisco Systems online conference solutions will help companies of Kazakhstan to overcome temporary difficulties,’ said Vladimir Sobolev, Director of Cisco Representative Office in Kazakhstan.


The company also explained that in order to start using the Cisco Meeting Server platform in a convenient place and at a convenient time, the minimum requirements are needed: an access to the Internet and an Internet browser on a computer or a mobile device.