The Head of the Samruk-Kazyna Public Council to Have Joined the Board of Directors of the Fund

The Head of the Samruk-Kazyna Public Council to Have Joined the Board of Directors of the Fund


04 July 2022

Bolat Zhamishev, the Chairman of the Public Council of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, was elected as a member of the Board of Directors, an independent director of the Fund.  

The election of the Head of the Public Council to the Board of Directors is a part of the program for increasing public control over the activities of Samruk–Kazyna JSC.  

The Public Council of Samruk-Kazyna JSC was established in December 2021 through an open competitive selection of candidates. It consists of ten people: seven representatives of the civil society and three representatives of the Fund. The Council performs public control over the activities of both the parent Fund and its portfolio companies. 

The work of the Council members is based on a voluntary basis.  Over the years, Bolat Zhamishev has held positions of the Minister of Finance, Minister of Regional Development, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank, Chairman of the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Organizations, Deputy CEO of the Eurasian Development Bank. He is the Candidate of economic sciences.