Think Local! Samruk-Kazyna is Supporting Local Business.

Think Local! Samruk-Kazyna is Supporting Local Business.


23 November 2021

In 2021, the share of local content in the procurement of Samruk-Kazyna Group amounted to KZT2.5 trillion.  Almassadam Satkaliyev, the CEO of the Fund, informed about measures on stimulating domestic producers and the development of the “economy of simple things” at the meeting of the Government. 

As the Samruk-Kazyna CEO noted in his statement, implementing an effective import substitution system opens up vast opportunities to create new production facilities in the country. This year, 94 offtake contracts for KZT53 billion were concluded under the Import Substitution Program.  The Fund supported the light and manufacturing industries, mechanical engineering, and the production of building materials.

The Fund also successfully applies the mechanism of category procurement management, concluding 42 partnership agreements were with domestic producers in 2021. 

In addition, the active work is performed on expanding the competitive environment by reducing single-source procurement. The volume of single-source procurement amounted to KZT413 billion or 13% of the total procurement volume (decline in 7 times compared to 2017). The share of competitive procurement has increased, which in 2021 amounted to KZT2.1 trillion (growth in 7 times compared to 2017).

In 2021, the Fund developed a new procurement method - through an electronic store. If earlier the procurement process took from 22 to 43 working days, then the electronic store has reduced these terms several times, which now range from 1 to 5 working days.

According to the Fund’s management, the share of local content by the end of the year will be 76%. Samruk-Kazyna also plans to digitalize additional modules in the procurement system for 2022.